Thursday, March 19, 2009

And Contestant #1 is...

(excerp from Essay Contest)

The more knowledge Equality 7-2521 acquires, the more changes his personality undergoes, thus changing from a darkened mood, to lightened. In the beginning of the book Equality was conservative to the point of ignorance. For example, "mating and reproduction was a "shameful matter of which [he did] not like to think" (p.41).

Also, Equality had never felt some normal human emotions. He first felt emotion for Liberty 5-3000, and he "[knew] fear and the pain" of loving someone for the first time" (p.39).

Towards the end of the book, Equality had a broadened educated view of the world. He had felt deep emotions such as love, and "[knew] what joy [was] possible to men" (p.83).

Equaltiy also realized his purpose which "[is] to speak. [He was] to give [earth] its goal, its highest meaning to all this glowing space of rock and sky" (p. 93).

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