Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sci-Fi as a Genre

Having just finished reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, I have confirmed my belief that Science-Fiction is a ridiculous genre. Sci-Fi has never been my type of genre to read. To me, the books are pointless. I would much rather read about something that has happened in the past or something that is happening now in this day and time. Something I can learn from. Aliens and Bigfoots have never appealed to me.

"Why," I wonder "can't such talented writers produce something actually worth reading?" For example, when I read about something that happened in the past, the feeling is as if I have learned something. When reading Sci-Fi, I feel my brain slowly filling with nonsense about Spaceships in New Mexico.

Some people that read Sci-Fi live in a world all their own. I prefer to live in the present where I know what is happening and remember what has happened in the past. I find myself perfectly fine with not knowing what will happen tomorrow.

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