Monday, May 25, 2009

Pride and Predjudice

After reading Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice, I was left feeling like I had just taken a walk in the clouds.

The life lesson I took from the book was that sometimes, I may have to humble myself and realize my faults to become the greatest person I can be.

Austin's portrayal of all of the character's was so realistic to me, I was astounded. One of the story's main character's, Mr. Darcy, reminds me of a friend I once knew. She had to humble herself to gain a friend.

Austin shows that her character's are not without normal emotions, as well. The story contains love, deceit, betrayal, and irony.

After finishing the wonderful work, I related this book to some of the issues our country is facing today. Perhaps, if we swallowed our pride once in a while, as a nation, we would accomplish more diplomatically.

I personally, love this book. I had to go and buy my own copy to keep. I believe that if you read it, you will love it. The book is one that everyone should read.

Of Mice and Men

After finishing John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, I realized that you can truly never trust anyone. This book was very sad and extremely thought provoking.

Of Mice and Men taught me that not everyone that acts like my friend really is my friend. Perhaps it also taught me that there will never be a friend that will not let me down.

I love the book's style. I feel as if I am where the action in the story is taking place. Steinbeck's abilities are amazing.

Steinbeck has the talent to make me believe in the character's as people. In the story, Steinbeck shows that George is just like other humans in the way that he wanted and needed space from Lennie. It is not that I agree with the way he handled the situation, but through
George's actions, Steinbeck showed me, as the reader, that George felt like any other human would have in the situation.

When reading this book, it reminded me of Cline Eastwood movies. The setting was much the same.

I strongly recommend this book. The text gives an amazing insight into the human heart and what everyone truly feels at times.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Curtain Finally Closes...

It is so hard to believe that I have been in school a whole year already! It seems like just yesterday I was walking into the high school for the first time, and now it is time to go.

I remember getting out of the car on the first day of school. Me being your typical teenager, my first thought was, "How many days are there left in the school year?"

Now, I realize the short amount of time I really do have left in high school. If the remaining two years go by as fast as this year did, I have learned that I will need to make every day count like it was my last.

I will not be ready to go back to school in the fall, but I must admit that I will, however, be ready for some Pioneer football. The atmosphere at those hometown football games is like nothing else in the world. You can sense in the air pride, family, and victory.

I wish everyone well over the summer. God bless.

The House on Mango Street

After having read Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street, I thanked God for all that he had given me. I feel very blessed to live where I do.

Cisneros left me in awe. The way she told her story was truly amazing.

Cisneros grew up as a Mexican-American in a poor neighborhood as did Esperanza,the main character in her book. The little girl grew up both physically and mentally during the time that she lived on Mango Street.

The experiences the little girl went through seem crazy to me, simply because of the way she lived and handled herself. During the book, a lot happened to her. At the end of the book Esperanza seemed to be wiser and stronger than when she had first began.

I feel as if I grew a little with Esperanza. Cisneros ability to make you feel what the main character is feeling is truly amazing.